2014 | I
- The History of Cortona Week
Milz Helmut (26:51)
Link - The Change of the Game
Folkers Gerd (51:28)
Link - Keywords
Steindl-Rast David (50:46)
Link - Innovative Doctoral Training
Bidian Ulla (1:05:15)
Link - Ich unterwegs - Teile 1-5
Reintjens Hortense (7:59, 23:11, 17:35, 3:26, 1:51)
Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3, Teil 4, Teil 5 - I – a star among stars
Binggeli Bruno (1:06:59)
Link - I - the Subject of the Schauspiel
Wickert Hartmut (49:13)
Link - Conscious Agency and the preconscious or unconscious self
Velmans Max (47:02)
2013 | Non Local
- Where is my i the non- localization of the self
Hangartner Diego (1:07:05)
Link - Three Pillars of asian wisdom
Al Huang Chungliang; Fitzpatrick Michael (1:06:06)
Link - Mind the gap why we shouldn’t be going neuro
Hasler Felix (1:06:06)
Link - Economic growth and human well being
Kübler Olaf (1:07:23)
Link - The local and The Non Local in Research
Rheinberger Hans-Jörg (1:01:30)
Link - Emily Dickingson & Kübler Gunhild
Dickingson Emily; Kübler Gunhild (1:03:02)
2012 | No Time at All!
2011 | Plausibilities
- Temporal plausibilities - how do we make sense of time
Nunez Rafael (1:19:27)
Link - Plausibilities how they help and how they lead you astray
Nussbaumer Harry (1:02:24)
Link - Von Gott und Welt: Plausibilitäten
Reintjens Hortense (55:07)
Link - Can Unreliable Human Beings Build Reliable Systems
Gunzinger Anton (55:10)
Link - Making strategic decisions
Simon Joachim (52:27)
Link - Beware of Logic and Statistics
Ferrari Vitto (1:00:10)
Link - Keywords Curiosity
Steindl-Rast David (1:24:35)
Link - Keywords
Steindl-Rast David (22:50)
2010 | Labyrinth
- Theoretical WS
Hamann Ulrike (1:04:17)
Link - The financial crysis as a labirinth of products and institutions
Embrechts Paul (1:21:15)
Link - On 25 years of Cortona Week
Luisi Pier (1:08:03 min)
Link - Handover the Organisation from Luisi to Nesper
Luisi Pier; Nesper Reinhard (10:42)
Link - Keywords
Steindl-Rast David (15:40)
Link - Labyrinths and the minotaurFolkers Gerd; Milz Helmut (1:11:50)
Link - Schmerzforschung Teil 1
Folkers Gerd (1:00:43)
Link - Schmerzforschung Teil 3
Hamann Ulrike (1:04:17)
Link - Entering the labyrinth of the I Ching
Chungliang Al Huang (55:57 )
2007 | Ties & Webs
- Tying and Webbing on the Cultural Ties and Webs of America. Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour Show
Schiesser Giaco (1:16:04)
Link - Schulen des Glücks
Camartin Iso (1:21:42)
Link - Quantum Reality
Elitzur Avshalom (1:14:51)
Link - Fascination Brain
Moehler Hanns (1:15:41)
Link - Engel, Viren, Geld und Zeugen über Boten als Medien und Mittler
Krämer Sybille (1:17:22)
2006 | Sign Symbols Codes
- The many disguises of zero
Milis Marie (1:16:49)
Link - Signs, symbols, and codes in cosmology from ancient to modern times
Nussbbaumer Harry (1:07:02)
Link - Die Encodierung von kollektiven Symbolen in der Person - unterwegs ins Herz der Finsternis
Pier Luigi (1:14:49)
Link - Codes Symbols and Luisi
Pier Luigi (1:09:36)
Link - Body Traces- Signs, symbols and codes of human interactions
Milz Helmut (1:10:40)
2005 | Beauty
- The Mysterious and the Beautiful
Fischer Ernst Peter (1:11:21)
Link - Your Experience of Beauty and the Emerging God-view
Steindl-Rast David (1:08:25)
Link - The Beautiful Mind
Halifax Joan (1:15:35)
Link - Kann Lernen schön sein
Pietschmann Herbert (1:22:25)
Link - From Plato to Einstein Beauty and Truth as Complementary Goals in Science
Elitzur Avshalom (1:09:49)
Link - Emotion und Therapie
Folkers Gerd (1:13:24)
2004 | Mind Matters
- Ganzheitliche Medizin
Milz Helmut (1:13:01)
Link - Quantum Theory and Consciousness
Atmanspacher Harald (1:19:47 min)
Link - Der kreative Kosmos – Geist und Materie aus Information Teil 1 & 2
Goernitz Thomas; Goernitz Brigitte (1:06:52, 1:21:18)
Teil 1, Teil 2 - Beginners Mind matters in Mathematics
Milis Marie (1:11:17)
Link - Aestethics
Camartin Iso (1:19:05)
Link - Collegium Helveticum Laboratorium für Interdisziplinarität
Folkers Gerd (1:11:57)