2017 | Concepts on the Move
- Legacy of Cortona Week
Karlen Marlen (26:17)
Link - What does Lemuel Gulliver teach us
Folkers Gerd (44:34)
Link - The Essayistic Principle as a Traveling Concept in Aesthetics
Strässle Thomas (51:06)
Link - The Concept of “Concept” and the Origins of Creativity
Rigotti Francesca (49:52)
Link - Rethinking Risk - Towards Transformational Resilience
Bresch David (54:08)
Link - Quality of Life
Fischer Joachim (47:34)
Link - Die Geschichte der drei Prinzen
Schrott Raoul (1:02:15)
Link - Concepts Travelling in Networks of Communication
Borck Cornelius (50:43)
Link - A Subject is a Subject...
Schiesser Giaco (26:10)
2016 | Uncertainty & Serendipity
- The Power of Chance in Scientific Research
Müller Olaf L (51:36)
Link - The formless Hunch Lecture about nothing
Wickert Hartmut (44:39)
Link - The Clandestine Agency of Matter
Riemenschnitter Andrea (47:00)
Link - Smitten by Art
Lilija Efva (34:23)
Link - Shades of Uncertainty
Filk Thomas (52:59)
Link - Serendipity, Uncertainty and Failure in the History of the Nobel Prize
Amelin Olov (51:30)
Link - Serendipity and Uncertainty in Pharmaceutical Research
Böhm Hans-Joachim (47:35)
Link - Philantropy and Academic Freedom
Adler Corinna (46:45)
Link - How can Algorithms cope with Uncertainty and develop Serendipity
Buhmann Joachim M (58:35)
Link - Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
Sutter Christoph (50:40)
2015 | Reproducibility
- The impossible Imperative of Reproducibility Carte Blanche
Harbeke Sabina (1:33:46)
Link - Reproducibility in Contemporary Music
Mundry Isabel (1:29:38)
Link - Plasticity and Epigenetics
Rubin Beatrix (57:56)
Link - Is there a Role for Epigenetics in Shaping our Lives or Rather that of Plants
Grossniklaus Ueli (1:07:05)
Link - Eternal Recurrence of the Never Same
von Sass Hartmut (1:27:29)
Link - Digital Feudalism
Grassegger Hannes (1:30:46)
Link - About Musics, Miracles and Reproducibilities
Meyer Thomas (55:10)